Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Breaking Dawn,' 'On the Road,' & 'Water for Elephants' All Listed in Next Movie's "50 Upcoming Book Adaptations in the Works"

'Water for Elephants' 

Attached: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz, Hal Holbook 

Status: Based on the 2006 novel by Sara Greun, "Water for Elephants" tells the tale of a man who, way back in the day, gave up a student's life to become a vet for a traveling circus. Now an old man, he tells his tale of love and elephants to whoever happens to care — which, as it turns out, is just about everyone in Hollywood. RPattz is slated to play the young man, with Hal Holbrook playing the older version and Reese Witherspoon on board as the love interest. Finally, an older woman with a younger man; it's about time, Hollywood! 

Release Date/Year: April 15, 2011

 'Breaking Dawn' 

Attached: Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart 

Status: Author Stephenie Meyer penned this obscure little novel a few years ago, to little fanfare, but now it's… oh, who are we kidding. You probably already know everything there is to know about the eagerly awaited adaptation of the fourth and final (?) novel in Meyer's record-shattering "Twilight" series. The action is so big this time around, though, that they had to break it into two parts; the second half of the story won't land in theaters until Nov. 16, 2012.

Release Date/Year: Nov. 18, 2011 

On the Road' 

Attached: Kirsten Dunst, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart, Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen


Status: Based on the classic 1951 beat novel by Jack Kerouac, "On the Road" has been adapted for the screen several times, but few of those productions have the kind of acting pedigree this latest version can boast: Besides big names like Viggo Mortensen, Amy Adams and Kristen Stewart, critical favorites like Steve Buscemi, Elisabeth Moss and Terrence Howard help round out the terrific cast. Filming is set to finish in December, so the first trailer should be gracing the internet before too much longer. 

Release Date/Year: 2011

Via - 500DaysofRK

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