Saturday, July 24, 2010

Apotmkin's Review of Eclipse!

After a long wait for the release of Eclipse, finally I got to see it upon its screening in the US but here in Dubai because someone awesome decided to have one night show of Eclipse one week earlier from its official release in Dubai on July 8th. I have seen Eclipse twice and still have hopes of watching it again only after watching Twilight and New Moon back to back just to die of a Twilight Saga over dose or go into shock till Breaking Dawn is out in 484 days, 15 hours and 40 seconds according to my custom made counter which is I think is trying to tell me that will be after a year and a half or so (WTH!) I suddenly felt that rush of fear of growing older which overwhelmed Bella as she woke up from the Granny nightmare in New Moon! I'm turning 38 next month and I guess this means I will be approaching 40! (my Gosh! Carlisle change me now!)

So for now I have decided to be an advocate of living in the moment as our dear Rpattz advises in Remember Me and count my blessings for I have watched Eclipse “yey!”
The movie certainly captured Bella’s sinister situation being the target of Victoria, the hungry newborns and the polished Vultories, thanks to David Slade who brought his monsters from 30 Days of Night to our innocent Lion and Lamb Twilight zone. Not that he is responsible for slashing our violet and lavender meadow dreams with rated 13 invisible blood because after all these are the ideas of the master mind Stephanie Meyer manifested on screen.
I’m thankful to all the romantic moments that the film included. They were all great on Edward’s part and a bit weird on Bella’s who seemed to cover up some hard feelings for his desertion in New Moon or may be trying to teach him a lesson and weigh her alternatives. I remember “it has always been him” was when she made her choice but again Jacob deserved his chance too, I guess. I must say that the slow pace of New Moon was made up for in Eclipse with a racy calculated pace with what seemed like an equally assigned room for each group of characters very mathematically done which how men do it I guess (sorry I just love Catherine Hardwicke I could really lose myself in the pace of Twilight).

The colors, the CGI and the new looks of the vamps were very cool and a clear attention for details was obvious as the lenses were better, the vamp skin texture and shatter and the wolf transformations and body symmetry were perfect and aesthetically pleasing. When it comes to the sound tracks and the score I don’t know why the main musical theme was in favor of the Jacob scenes. Edward and Bella didn’t own the background music in my head like they did in Twilight where the music stood by itself as an element of the movie's huge success or like in New Moon where Bella’s suffering was reflected in the sad tunes of its score.

I loved Jasper and Charlie, they stole the screen at least for me during their scenes. I’m completely relieved Bella’s wig looked natural though I missed its natural flow with the wind. I’m definitely hoping for a long haired Bella that Chris Weitz depicted in Alice’s vision for New Moon but without the maiden dress. Which brings me to the elimination of Bella’s wedding dress that was supposed to appear at the end and was replaced by Bella's acceptance of the ring in the final scene.

I would have loved to see Edward carrying Bella on his back to the meadows or have them do a double summersault on a tree or something instead of their state of immobility. Don’t get me wrong I loved their scenes but those kids need to move around instead of posing statuesque most of the time. The movie was great! It ranks second best after Twilight for me (personal reasons to quote Edward)and I’m definitely heading for a third combo viewing any time till I get my creepy Apotamkin hands on the DVD!

images source

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