Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Remember Me London Press Conference

Interesting questions and HQ footage of Remember Me press conference in London!


Stephenie Meyer's New Novella!

Queen Meyer is releasing a new 200-pages-Novella from the perspective of a newborn, yey!


I have a new book coming out. It’s called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Well, it’s more of a novella than an actual book—my version of a short story.

Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it’s a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree’s perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn.

This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. Later, when the concept for The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide came up, I thought that might be a good place for Bree. Her story is a nice complement to Eclipse; it explains a lot of the things that Bella never knew. So I dusted it off and finished it up for placement in the Guide.

At the same time, it came in handy for the Eclipse film. Melissa (Rosenberg, the screenwriter) had a ton of questions about what exactly was going on in Seattle, how Victoria managed things, what Riley was like, etc. I let her read what I had then, and later gave the whole thing to the director, David Slade. David asked if Xavier, Bryce, and Jodelle (Riley, Victoria, and Bree) could read it as well, so all the parties involved would end up having a really strong foundation for their characters before the cameras started rolling. I was pleased that this side of the story would make it into the film and was looking forward to including it in the Guide.

Then I got the news: my “short story” was nearly 200 pages long when typeset. It was too long to fit into the Guide—without ending up with a tome as heavy as the Oxford English Dictionary. My publisher approached me with the idea of releasing the Bree story on its own. One of the major benefits of this plan was that it would be out before the movie, so people would get to know Bree before they saw her in the film. That made sense to me, and we decided to go ahead with it.

There was one thing I asked for: since this story had always been an extra for me, and was meant to be released with the Guide, I wanted to be able to offer it to my fans for free. You all have bought a ton of my books, and I wanted to give you this story as a gift. My publisher was awesome and embraced this idea. We still wanted to also produce a physical book with a cool cover (see below) that you can add to your set if you like, but starting at noon on June 7th until July 5th, it will also be available online at

One other aspect of this release is the plan to give a more important gift to people who really need it. One dollar of each book purchased in the US from the first printing will be donated to the American Red Cross for their relief efforts in Haiti and Chile and other parts of the world where people are in great need. We’re going to have an option online as well, so you can choose to make a donation if you want when you read the story online. I hope you will. I think that we can really help a lot of people with this.

I really hope you all enjoy this story. I had a blast writing it. I’m glad that after all this time cooling her heels in my files, Bree finally gets her chance to shine.

Thanks for all the support,


Rob on set of Bel Ami Brief!

What can I do to amuse myself today?!

... be nasty to the pretty lady!

... and suffocate some roses!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Apotamkin's Edward & Bella!

You know me by now:) can't see the pretties and not touch them with my brush:) enjoy!

'20 Minutes Online' Interview with Rob

Great interview with Rob.So Rpattz can't really act he embodies a character and be it!
well! that explains the Bel Ami on set face:)


New Twilight pix from "Scene it?"

Great new shots from Twilight via Scene it? PC game...done some cropping and quality editing to make it decent:) enjoy!


Monday, March 29, 2010

New Kstew Pix!

New Kstew pix from The Runaways premiere. Had to make a poster out of it, sizzling!


Rob on Set of Bel Ami

I'm still trying to get used to that sinister form of Rob, I picked the remorseful one lol!

tons of pix at source

Rob on GMTV

Rob talking to GMTV about his first non-Twilight Premiere!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Us Against The World. Robsten Video

The latest Robsten video by HonyBuzy:) I like the panel moments, so cute!

Kstew. Apotamkin Gift Poster

I gave Kstew my special makeup treatment! Hope you like it Kristen! It's another Apotamkin special gift to neutralize Rob/ Kristen Posts:)

The Score Remix

I love this cool remix of Bella's Lullaby and Full Moon! The Saga is a breeder:)

via Twilightish

Rob Filming in Budapest

Rob is filming outdoor scenes in Budapest!


New/Old Rob Pix from Elle France!

New/old pix of Rob from Elle France, always thrilled to see old shoots of Rpattz!

source and source

New Bella and Jacob Pic

Beautiful new pic of Jake and Bella!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rob on Robert Pattinson Special!

Lovely cover pic of Rob, I had to make into an Apotamkin post, still need to work my way through removing tags and scripts:)


Rob's Cartoon by "Quien"

Quien mag has a cartoon of Rob with all the things he loves (I don't see Kstew!) I think it looks more like Elvis with the one-side-bulging-lip lol! I swear fans make far better images of Rob but it's cute.... me complain too much:)


Friday, March 26, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon!

Today I fell in love with another golden eyed monster! his name is Toothless! It's not pale white and ice cold; Toothless is jet-black and blows bolts of fire but he is the most adorable pet one can ever have! I want one along with that Ikran from Avatar:) They keep making these imaginary creatures and they are so gorgeous!

How to Train Your Dragon in 3D is a must watch movie!
Lovely film!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Post Comments

I know some of you don't know how to post comments so I thought it would be helpful to show you how:

- First, you need to go to and create an email.

-Second, come to the blog and click the comments icon under any post. Write in the comment box.

-Third copy the verification word.

- Fourth enter your gmail email account in user name for example: then enter your email password.

-Fifth: Click publish and your comment will appear instantly.

You can follow the same steps to post comments on any Blogger's blog:)

Stephenie and The New Moon Cast

Queen Stephenie, the beauties and Volts, looking cute! cant' help noticing Rob and Kristen same baby posing-s :) those two are mirror images:)


Waxy Rob and Fans!

I think this is a cross between old Rob and a young Gerard Butler!

More from the Waxy Rob:) that statue looks annoyed already lol!


ET on Rob's Wax Statue


I like the part where she says "a few extra weeks to ensure we have perfection" THANK YOU, yes do something!

via Robsessed

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Apotamkin's Eclipse Posters!

I thought this would be the best post to rap it up for today and to lighten up the statue dilemma :) so I edited the Trio from Eclipse posters, comment me if you like them:)

Rob Statues & Sculpture!

I was sure if I googled I would find fan made statues better than that weird wax figure below:) I thought I must share with you my findings:)


what have I done to deserve this?!

I'm just guessing this could very much be Rob's thoughts on the whole matter:)

Tell me what you think:)

Rob's Wax Figure

I know people will try and be nice and go to see Rob's wax figure in Madam Tussuad's wax museum on march 25th but seriously "Who is that?" This is not as good as other celebrity wax statues, something is wrong! but any way I suspect it will melt down as soon as it's exposed to the heated twi-fans:)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Revisiting Twilight Comic Con

For those who love the Twilight Comic Con Panel I have set my time machine backward to visit this special event. The videos are in fairly good quality compared to others on Youtube!

Enjoy a blast from the past & Beware of screaming fans!

New Moon Spoof!

This is obviously a twilight hater lol! well, David Slade gave his approval tweeting this spoof!


Eclipse Official Poster

The first official Eclipse poster! What do you think? I don't know what happened to the lovely Twilight close up posters? why don't they do them any more?!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Fan Video. Here with Me

kidnin where ever you are, this is just awesome work! Lovely video! fresh, excellent editing and song choice! enjoy!

by kidnin

Apotamkin Gift. Edward & Bella Wallpaper!

A special gift for you my sweet friends! Edward & Bella in their own romantic bubble:) hope you are not bored but swirls are my signature touch!

Sparkling Edward Enhanced Caps

Better quality caps of sparkling Edward! I have enhanced the colors and resolution still it has a soft shimmer:( but you know how I love sparkling Edward! click on tags to see older pics or head to source to view originals.

Deleted Scenes and Behind the Scenes!

Some cool unseen footage from the NM DVD, I always wanted to know where did the nightmare scene go, here it is!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Eclipse Exclusive Scene!

This is really cool! the net is horrible but I have seen caps at twifans! it's pouring Eclipse!

The Show Biz 411 Interview with Rob in the UK

I just wonder why did Rob feel protective for Remember Me did something happen with New Moon and didn't agree with? It's a great investment but the monitoring thing is bugging me :)

nice audible interview, I tend to ignore noisy ones, sorry!!

The Runaways. Swagg Cafe After Party

The girls had an after party following The Runaways' premiere in NY at Swagg Cafe. It looks very much like a shop for musical instruments so I'm taking their word!
